Friday, April 24, 2020

Keep Moving!

With the closures of the gyms, parks, and general exercise that I'm used to, I have become less active.  I usually go to the gym between 3 to 5 days a week and ride a stationary bicycle or swim in the pool for at least 25 minutes on top of doing yoga for at least 20 minutes every day.  However, with the current COVID-19 Pandemic, my usual ways of exercising have gone away.  It's too cold to swim in the local waters and I am not ready to ride my bicycle because it needs a tune up and I don't want to risk it breaking down if I just jump on it after not riding it for over a year.  And it's generally scary to go outside.  It's full of folks that are not trying to cover their faces or congregating in groups.  There are also more criminals since the jails are letting people out early.  People scare me.

The immobility caught up with me and after working in my yard, not doing much other than mowing my lawn and pruning trees from the ground, my knee started swelling.  Out of nowhere it just started swelling up.   It didn't seem to stop and it became so painful I couldn't walk properly.  I spent about 3 days elevating and icing.  I spent 5 days in a compression sock.  Finally my leg works again but I wouldn't call it normal.

I have turned to eating foods that help with inflammation.  Salmon, olives, muscles, and shiitake mushrooms.   I probably need to omit more things like bread that I really have a hard time not eating those things.  It is giving me the comfort I need while I'm isolated.  I rather think it's my sugar addiction that is telling me that bread makes me feel better. 

I've tried to find more ways to stay active and most of all, move my knee.  I have considered buying a mechanism to turn my bicycle into a stationary bike at home but the expense can't be justified since it's springtime.  I'm also not excited about riding in the rain, I have not ventured out to ride until it stops raining.  I'm a wimp about the weather.   So, instead I am trying to stretch my knee more with my yoga poses and I have taken up the hula hoop.


  1. Hey Holly, Still reading your posts from down here in NZ. One thing I have learnt to say clear of with regard PVNS-troubling movements are any, what I call 3D anything which includes twisting, multiple direction movements (such as bending over and then moving sideways). I try to only move in straight-ahead up or down movements......or any such 2D movements. Mixing things up with up, down and sideways all in one movement seems to really aggravate my knees. When I noticed your mention of hula hoop, I went weak at the knees.....ouch. Even the thought of stretching + yoga brought tears to my eyes.

    I sure know your experience of "sudden swelling"....I also have that happen....totally out of the blue.....a real day or week wrecker. All of a sudden, even when walking in a straight line....bang....pain, followed by swelling. Sometimes, my worst knee (right), will start hurting and swelling when I am sitting and totally still. As you North Americans say, "Go figure!".

    Was also interested to read your comments re inflammation-fighting foods. Do any of them give you any noticeable relief? I eat so much salmon, I fear it may soon become an endangered species.....but neither my walking or swimming has improved as a result.

    Kind regards for now

  2. Thank you for the comment Carl. To be honest, I can't hula hoop! The lack of ability to do so probably saves my knees. Thankfully I have been able to do modified yoga. That childs pose kills me every time, but it does help. Or at least I'm going to keep thinking it does.
