Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Phantom PVNS

I have it in my right knee but is it in my right foot too?  Or maybe my left knee?  Or my left hip?
I get all these strange sensations, usually painful, that simulate symptoms of the PVNS in my right knee.   I realize that many of these odd occurances are due to either the PVNS pushing on a nerve or a ligament, or the overcompensating for going from not walking well to restoring my range of motion after a surgery.

However rare, it is possible to have PVNS in more than one joint so it is easy to jump to the conclusion that there is the potential for it to be so.  And knowing there are people who have it in more than 2 joints makes the concern even greater.  But knowing that it is possible to have it in multiple joints is precisely what drives the fear that it could be creeping in another place. 

Lately I've been feeling a dull ache in my left hip.  I have also been increasing my yoga practice thinking that will strengthen my joints and resolve the ache but possibly it's the yoga causing it.  However, when the aching increases I can honestly say that I can't deny that it crosses my mind that I might have it in another joint.  I just keep telling myself I don't have it at all.  Deny, deny, deny.


  1. I have PVNS in my left hip. I’ve had two scopes , the last one in 2014. It recently came back and I’m in serious pain.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Michael. I can't imagine having it in the hip. In the last 6 years I have had 3 scopes. The last was in April of 2018. I'm hoping I don't have to have another for a while. I hope you find some kind of pain management. This is not a fun disease.
