Sunday, January 13, 2019

Medical Travel

The first time I heard about this idea was when I came across an article about a man who needed a hip replacement.  It was within the last 5 years but I don't recall where I saw the article.  Anyways,  this guy found out it was going to cost tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket to cover the costs.  Currently in America it's estimated to cost $40,000 to have hip replacement surgery and they usually want us out of the hospital as soon as the surgery is complete and have awaken from anesthesia. He researched how much the hip part cost.  In America it was astronomical.  He researched the cost of the hip replacement joint part alone and found he could order one from India for far less.  Then he found a private hospital in Belgium that he was able to stay in for an entire week.   He estimated that with the flight and stay in the hospital, as well as finding the part abroad, it cost him under $10,000.  And he stayed in the hospital for an entire week to recover. He saved tens of thousands of dollars by making a little effort to search for a better option.  Now there are several articles online about similar stories of people traveling to save on medical. 

When my PVNS started crippling me as I had not yet been diagnosed I was faced with how to resolve this medical mystery.  I had a temporary job at the time with no benefits or medical insurance.  I was hoping to get hired permanently with a local credit union.  But as fate would have it, they didn't hire me.  A complete shock to the bankers who were so convinced I was going to get the job that half of the department didn't bother applying.  I left the job to search for a permanent job that could give me benefits but that became cumbersome.  I figured the universe had different plans.  So I went back to school, filed for unemployment benefits, and applied for Medicaid.  As long as I lived in poverty I would be taken care of.  My PVNS diagnosis forced me to realize I would not be employable.  Nobody wants to hire someone who has to be out for various medical reasons over long periods of time.  And what would happen if one of my children got sick?  I would have no ample sick time to stay with them.  And I would never get a vacation again.  I couldn't live like that.  So I started working on a few business plans while I waited for my surgery that I scheduled right after my semester of school was over.

Fast forward 5 years later.  I lost my Medicare coverage last year right after my 3rd surgery as now I make too much money between 2 of the businesses I started to receive any further benefits.  But now that means my insurance is a substantial cost.  I can't justify the expense so I opted for catastrophic insurance instead.  So if I get admitted to and ER for over 24 hours I have expenses paid up to a certain amount.  A little safer but still very scary.   I have been again contemplating medical travel.

My parents stay in Arizona for half of the year and that is when they get their medical needs taken care of.  They usually hop over the boarder into Mexico for everything from eye care to dental work.  The other stuff they stay in the states and depend on Medicare.   That's fine for them but what about me?  I live near the Canadian border.  My only hope for help from that country would be to marry someone in Canada and move there.  Or move there and try to become a citizen but would I get my PVNS handled while I was there?   Would they want to take on the burden of an expensive new citizen?  How would I even start to shut down my businesses and move away from my children?  It just isn't as feasible. 

So my mind keeps going to this cruise ship idea.  I recently saw that they do have a hospital ship that goes to places in Africa so why not have the joint replacement cruise?  It seems like such a common requirement.  Or maybe a "sectomy" cruise.  You need something removed or replaced?  Jump on a boat!  But how would surgeons do surgery on a rocking boat?  That's the part I'm not convinced about.  Otherwise, recovery would start on a lower part of the boat and the last week would be hobbling around and getting PT.   A few weeks on a boat and you get off with a brand new you!  It's possible and could be far cheaper than a stay in a hospital.  Even a $10,000 price tag for a hip replacement on the "sectomy cruise" would be a lot less than $40,000 in a hospital where there is no entertainment or free meals.  

Even if the cruise idea doesn't happen I do think there are far better alternatives in the US than to just have surgery my home state.  Seeing a doctor is at least $500 just to say Hi in an office.  They won't ever call to discuss your situation.  It's $500 or nothing!  That's how much it would cost for just the insurance monthly.  I would rather save my $6000 per year and do like the hip replacement guy did, find someplace to travel and have my PVNS removed there.  I have heard India is a great place to go. 

For now I'm still in the wait and see phase.  Just getting an MRI will cost me at least $3000.  So I will wait until my knee is unbearable before I start plotting this medical vacation.  Unless I find me a Canadian to marry.

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