Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Coffee Conflict

I love coffee.  Maybe it's a Seattle thing.  But I am fully addicted to it.   I drink it in the morning and at times I find myself being offered a cup during the day.  I drink that too.  With turning to the "cancer fighting foods" concept I am getting mixed messages.  A few websites attribute coffee to fighting cancer like this one: 


It claims the following:
"Coffee contains:
  • Chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant compound that is the major phenol in coffee
  • Quinic acid, a phytochemical that contributes to the acidic taste of coffee
  • Cafestol and kahweol, compounds that are extracted from the beans' oil during brewing. Unfiltered coffee, such as French press or boiled coffee, contains these compounds
  • Caffeine, a naturally occurring stimulant that affects the central nervous system
  • N-methylpyridinium (NMB), created by roasting, may make the antioxidants more potent
Chlorogenic acid may be slightly lower in decaf coffee according to limited research, but it still contains plenty of phytochemicals. Lab studies suggest that instant may be lower in antioxidant potency than brewed coffee, though more research is needed."

Ok, more research is needed.  So I don't consider this source as being bold faced truth to being an anti-cancer consumable.

However, another source points out that theobromine, theine, and tannin are alien to the blood and forces the liver and kidneys to work overtime to detoxify the blood.   It throws tea under the bus as well.  However, in this excerpt from "How to Fight Cancer and Win" it does not mention caffeine specifically.  

That still leaves me wondering, should I really eliminate coffee?

For me I think that because there is no hard line for or against coffee specifically I will ween myself off of it and switch to tea exclusively.  I usually drink tea throughout the day anyways.  I just have to switch to something I will feel is coffee-like.  I can blend Chicory in with an Assam tea to make a faux coffee. 
While Chicory is not listed in the anti-cancer lists I've come across, it does have other benefits including aiding in digestion and weight loss. 

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