Monday, January 23, 2017

Post-Op and swelling

It's been more than 2 months since my knee surgery and I still have swelling.  Some days are better than others but it seems like it takes forever to get the swelling to to down completely.   At my last post-op I was told to keep it wrapped (compressed) and iced.  They didn't mention elevation but I assume that's good too.  However, I let my lifestyle run away from me and I don't spend the time keeping the knee iced or elevated.  Randomly iced, rarely elevated.  I do keep it wrapped and compressed.  I have avoided ibuprofen as I think it's a little hard on the system to take it consistently so I've tried resorting to turmeric.  I was told to take it daily but I resort to throwing it on my food randomly.  I'm a little too random with my treatments and suffering the ongoing swelling.  Otherwise I'm recovering nicely. 


  1. Thanks for your updates. I had surgery on my L knee in Feb 2013 and it appears I will need another. My knee is actually worse now than it was when I had the surgery 2 years ago :(
    I have another MRI scheduled for this April. I've been trying to determine WHAT in my diet could be contributing to this (no one seems to know), and WHAT I can do to alleviate this swelling. I've started taking different supplements in the hopes they will work. It's discouraging.

  2. Thank you Valerie. I'm sorry to hear that you have to have surgery. It will be great. I felt like an old pro and was prepared and ready. It's like taking a lame vacation. Good luck!
