Saturday, August 27, 2016

Surgery #2 Scheduled

I did it!  I scheduled my next surgery.  It's not for a few more months but it's scheduled.  I got a little panicked when a nurse at my regular doctors office mentioned that if I didn't get the date set it might not happen when I want it to, which is November.  So I called the surgeons office and scheduled it.   It wasn't that difficult.  I have no idea what I'm going to do about things I "normally" do.  Like drive my daughter to school, go to the grocery store, and simply being able to go where I want.  I picked November because the tumors are growing and making it harder.  If I wait too long it will cause more damage.  I'm not completely needing surgery, I could probably go for a while but I can't swim, I have a difficult time going long distances, and my knee locks up often.  The popping sound is unnerving.  It's not painful mostly but just inconvenient.  I have pain mostly in my right foot from trying to not use my right knee.   I'm looking forward to the surgery and am making sure to do a yoga practice daily that I had specially tailored just for me and my upcoming surgery.  I joined a gym and although I can't swim I can do other exercises in the pool which I prefer.  I probably won't go back to the gym for a few months after my surgery so I'm trying to get in good shape before then.  It's important for the recovery phase.

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