When doctors talk about diffused PVNS I hear them often say it's "everywhere". I always imagined it started in one spot and spread but after my last surgery and the photos they showed me, I finally understood what "everywhere" really meant. It looks like someone sprayed red dots all over the lining of my knee. Those little red dots grow into the substance that covers the lining of the joint. How to keep those little red dots from forming though?
My first surgeon didn't want me to return and at my post op said we should "wait and see" when I told him it was coming back. I have heard of others having their PVNS do extreme damage to the joint when left unchecked. Eating away at bone and ligaments. I had a leg muscle have an extreme strain for no reason about a year before my first surgery. So the wait and see option isn't always the best advice but I understand the doctors suggestion. It really is the best advice he could give me. But the deterioration happened rather quickly and I had my 2nd surgery about a year and a half after the first.
My second surgeon said it was "everywhere" during the second surgery. I waited 17 months between surgery 2 and 3. The surgeon said he saw less than the previous time. What did I do different between those times? I think it had a lot to do with applying frankensense and CBD oil which I was not doing between surgery 1 and 2.
Now that it has been 7 months since my 3rd surgery, I am still mobile and applying the oils diligently. Waiting and seeing if that helps.