Thursday, May 25, 2017


About a month ago I went to the cannabis shop, because it's completely legal where I live.  And I had been told by several people, medically trained and not, to try putting CBD oil on my PVNS topically.  So I got a cream made by Bodhi Essentials that claims to have "High CBD" although it doesn't give the measurement of CBD.  And whatever, I'm using it diligently every night.  In the last 30 days I have continued applying it.  Last night I added some frankincense into the jar because I have heard others having their PVNS tumors shrink with the use of frankincense oil so why not?  I still have symptoms but recently saw my regular doctor and naturopath and told them I do not plan to have another MRI until I absolutely need to. Which I hope is not for a year.  If the PVNS is back I don't need to know that until I'm going to have another surgery so for now I will be slathering CBD oil on my knee.

THC I have found helps with the pains that like to go shooting down my legs on random occasions.  At times they are so sharp it makes me stop what I'm doing.  I have a prescription for pain killers but those make me feel like I'm recovering from something else.  I find that a bit of THC oil dulls the pain quite nicely and puts me in a relaxed state.  However, that is only true with Sativa strains.  The Indica makes me want to eat everything and then take a nap.  It also soothes the pain but not worth the ruined day and weight gain. Otherwise, I can function much better when under the influence of a little THC.